High quality to fair prices

Since 1947 high-quality lubricating and preservative agents for bicycles and sewing machines are manufactured under the label of Hanseline ®. The modern equipped company was created after the latest know how. Today it offers a delivery program with approx. 400 products in a broad variety. Our strongly expanding bottling for a salary is utilised by well known vendors, who appreciate our productive efficiency. 3000 square meter high rack warehouse, 120,000 l tank volume, barrel storage facility for 100 x 200 l Drums, explosion-proof stocks for dangerous goods, modern labelling and bottling machines, effective administrative computing and not at least an engaged team of co-workers. The 50 years old business relations with our customers confirm our reliability and our constant readiness to push innovations on the market.

Known for quality

When developing products the company Gessert and Sohn considers the desires, requirements and demands of the market. The enterprise refines the own compositions, in order to be able to always ensure the best effect of the articles.

We are member of
ZIV - Zweirad-Industrie-Verband e.V.
Unternehmerschaft Düsseldorf und Umgebung e.V.