Article no.: 300828, 300810, 300815

Hanseline – Titanium Grease is a lithium saponated special grease of the consistency NLGI grade 2 based on mineral oils. Beside several lubricating components it consists of white solid lubricants (titanium oxide). Strong points are adhesive strength, high pressure stability and good aging properties.


As a result of its composition Hanseline – Titanium Grease covers a wide range of use: plain-, roller- and ball bearings, spindles, shafts and guides. Essentially reduces friction for mixed and dry-/ boundary friction due to the white solvent lubricant particles. Applicaton areas are bike race, modeling, car mechanics, textile- and home appliance.

  • 20ml - 8er Innenkartons in 80er Umkartons
  • 250ml - 1000ml 12er Karton

2710 19 99

Technical Data
Form paste
Color: white
Odeur: characteristic
Service temperature: -30 to +120°C
Melting point (DIN/ISO 2176): ca. +190°C
Penetration (DIN/ISO 2137) 265 to 295 1/10mm
Densitiy at 20°C (DIN 51757): 0,940 g/ml
Water sustainability (DIN 51 807 T1) 1-90
Corrosion protection (DIN 51 802) corrosion category 0
Viscosity of base oil at 40°C (DIN 51562 Teil 1: 120,0 mm²/s

Specifications are subject to change without notice! All information provided was researched and processed to the best of our knowledge, liability excluded. For further information contact our technical service.